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Generate More Leads For Attorneys Through Your Website

 In Digital Marketing

The start of a new year is a great time to reflect on past successes, as well as lessons learned, never is there a better time to look forward, and develop an improved strategy for generating new leads for your law firm. Your website is a great place to start and with the simple tips below you can begin generating more leads for your attorneys today.

Once considered a necessary but not particularly important element of the business, the website of a law firm can now mean the difference between a prospect choosing you or your competitor – and it’s essential that firms recognize this. No longer is it sufficient to build a site and leave it to its own devices; as online lead generation for law firms becomes increasingly competitive, it’s a case of law firms having to evolve with their site – or quickly getting left behind.

Research has shown that, in 2015, 70% of US law firms generated new business via their website according to a new survey of local and regional business law firms by Alyn-Weiss & Associates, Inc. What’s more, for those that generate at least 40% of their leads online, they’re positioned to become twice as profitable as those that don’t, according to research by Hinge Marketing. Which camp does your firm belong to?

Make use of these key tips to create a lead generation powerhouse using your law firm’s site:


Your website is an extension of your practice – ensure a consistent experience

Your website is an online representation of your firm, your values, and your brand. With this in mind, it’s essential that a prospective customer’s online experience matches the one that they’d have with you if they were they sat in your office. Think about the first impressions you’d want to make when meeting a prospect and replicate that on your home page;

  • Which key messages do you want to convey?
  • What are the next steps that you’d like the prospect to take?
  • Map out a typical prospect journey and apply the same logic to your site.


There’s a reason they say ‘content is king’ – don’t make it an afterthought

While quality content will massively support your SEO efforts, you should aim to write for your audience – not the search engines. Ensure that each page of your site:

  • is formatted for easy reading. 79% of people do not actually read full pages of online content; instead, they scan the information for key points. Ensure that the points they pick up from your content are the right ones.
  • has one clear focus that correlates with your key messages as a firm. Too many messages on one page can result in a prospect losing focus and, consequently, interest.
  • provides one clear and relevant call-to-action. It’s essential that you guide prospects to a next step – don’t leave it open-ended.

Interaction is key – give prospects a reason to return to your site

The majority of new visitors to your site will not be looking to make a decision at that very moment; they will, no doubt, research several firms, talk with their peers, take a substantial amount of time to think things through and, even then, success with that prospect is not guaranteed. It’s essential then that, when they are ready, you give those prospects a reason to return to your site over your competitors’. Consider the following:

  • Update your site regularly with new content. Consider creating a blog or news area; if prospects begin to associate your site with regular, relevant thought leadership, not only are they more likely to trust in your knowledge and experience but they’re also far more likely to return.
  • Create gated content for use on your site. Gated content is, typically, heavier pieces such as eBooks, guides or case studies that require visitors to complete a form and leave their details before accessing it. Not only does this support you in your lead generation efforts but, if the content is good enough, it provides more reason for visitors to return to your site.


Think responsive – mobile is used more than you think

For many businesses, mobile versions of their website are not given a lot of thought – and that’s if they’re given any thought at all. However, with mobile users now accounting for 60% of all online traffic according to comScore, law firms cannot afford to ignore its importance. While your mobile site may not be as extensive as your desktop or ‘classic’ site, it’s imperative that:

  • your key messages are still conveyed
  • prospects are still easily able to contact you
  • the visuals of the site are clean and responsive, depending on the mobile device that’s being used.


Avoid legalese – keep it clean and simple

In many cases, your website will be your first interaction with a prospect; don’t overwhelm them with legal terms that – at this point, at least – mean nothing to them. Keep your messaging clear and straightforward and remember that your website is a marketing tool – not a legal brief.

For the firms that are willing to put in the time and effort, there are many rewards to reap from a well-considered, professional website that both informs and engages its visitor.


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