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Top 3 Important On-Page SEO Elements


Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing on-page and off-page elements of a website to improve performance in the search engine results pages. In this article, we’ll discuss 5 important SEO elements that can help your website’s performance in the search engine results pages.

The Title Tag is one of the most important on-page elements for SEO. It will help your website rank higher. It’s also what your potential customers will see in the search engine result page when they see your listing. So, it’s important to ensure that it describes what your page is about and relates to what people are searching for. The title tag should have important keywords towards the front of the title, studies have shown that this will generate better results.

A Meta Description is a summary or description of what a particular page is about. Your potential clients will see this in the search engine results pages. It’s a deciding factor in whether or not they will click on your search result or someone else’s. The meta description is basically a call-to-action and will have an impact on CTRs. So, it’s important that it is optimized and will compel visitors to click on your listing.

H1 Headings are usually the largest text on a page and for that reason, they are more important to search engines. The H1 one heading is an important on-page element and ranking factor. The H1 tag tells Google what your page is about. So, not having it on your page can negatively affect your website’s performance in the search results pages.

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