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404 Errors: What You Should Know

 In 404 Errors

Have you ever clicked on a link or visited a website and got a 404 error page not found? That is a broken link or broken page. These types of errors are annoying and don’t provide any value for website visitors. These are 404 errors, most website owners aren’t even aware that they have these broken links on their website.

User Experience

404 errors are bad for user experience and will cause your website to have a high bounce rate. A bounce is when someone lands on your site but doesn’t visit any other pages. It’s really bad if they land on a 404 error page, this is going to make them lose all interest in seeing what your site is about. This is why 404 errors are bad for your website.

SEO Implications

If your website has a lot of broken links, it could have a negative impact on your SEO. This is because search engines will see your website as a low-quality site with poor user experience. So, your website will not rank or perform well with a lot of internal and external links that are broken. It’s important to get these links fixed as soon as possible.

How To Fix 404 Errors Using 301 Redirects

301 redirect means permanently moved, which is what search engines prefer. A 301 redirect will effectively pass on link juice to another link. So, if URL A is broken, you would redirect to URL B using a 301 redirect. The idea is to redirect the old URL to the new URL or to a similar or relevant page. By using 301 redirects you will improve your website’s user experience and overall SEO performance.

Are you looking for SEO services or need help implementing 301 redirects? The SEO professionals at Legal Plex can help. Give us a call today at (609) 961-1120 to learn more.

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